Sunday, May 31, 2015

MnRTV Live Show Wed - June 3, 2015 @ 730 est- Special Guest- Fritz Springmeier Bin Laden and the 13 Bloodlines Of The Illuminati

This Wed Night on MnRTV Live Show we have returning guest Fritz Springmeier as we investigate with him what is this about Bin Laden reading conspiracy based books such as the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. Four years after the triumphant announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s death by the US government, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently released a list of books allegedly found in his compound. This list of English-language books can almost be dubbed ‘conspiracy for beginners’ with titles such as Fritz Springmeier’s the The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati! Did he not die back in 2001 and if not then and died in 2011 then why 4 years later is this coming out. We wonder what is the end game of the 13. Is this a psy op by the Illuminati for some reason. Find out this Wed night. Join is this Wed night at 730 est Youtube link will be up 15 min before the show! Tune in this Wednesday if you can at 7:30pm Eastern time, that’s 4:30pm Pacific for another MnRTV live show also feel free to have your say on the chat. We now have a Question Period and please feel free to send and questions that you may have to Mario or Robert at this email address