
Monday, September 28, 2015

MnRTV Live Show Wed - September 30, 2015 @ 730 Est- Special guest- Nina Uuro The Power & Money of the Illuminati!

This Wed night on MnRTV we have as a special guest Nina Uuro a young activist who will be discussing The power and money that the secret cabal that runs the world the Illuminati have. What you will learn will astound you at the power that they wield. Nina also makes songs and videos about the Illuminati. We will find out in her research what they hold as money and why do we all need money when its worthless paper to begin with? Join us the Wed night. You can find Nina UUro on Facebook. Youtube link will be up 15 min before the show. Join us this Wed night on MnRTV Live Show The link for the show will be up 15 minutes before the show! Tune in this Wednesday if you can at 7:30pm Eastern time, that’s 4:30pm Pacific for another MnRTV live show also feel free to have your say on the chat. We now have a Question Period and please feel free to send and questions that you may have to Mario or Robert at this email address