
Saturday, December 12, 2015

MnRTV Live Show Wed - December 16, 2015 @ 730 Est- Special Guest “Leland Judyn “ Black Knight Satellite Disclosure

This week on our last show before the Christmas Holiday’s Leland Judsyn returns with some incredible updates on his work and new information about Black Knight Satellite! Leland is an Inventor, Explorer, Teacher, Activist and Leader in the Entropia Universe. He was recently hired as a writer for Adept Initiates a group that explores the mysteries and symbolism of Ancient times. He will point out a few hidden Occult symbols in our own modern Christmas traditions and explain what they could mean. Just for MnRTV he will give an exclusive first press release on his new invention the J-VOC set to release in early 2016. Lastly he will tell us about his bold new plan to topple the Illuminati control network and how everyone listening can take part in making it really happen! Join us this Wed night on MnRTV Live Show The link for the show will be up 15 minutes before the show! Tune in this Wednesday if you can at 7:30pm Eastern time, that’s 4:30pm Pacific for another MnRTV live show also feel free to have your say on the chat. We now have a Question Period and please feel free to send and questions that you may have to Mario or Robert at this email address